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comprehensive shape during the days of farmers’ struggle but it was probably developing in his mind for many years earlier; perhaps from the days when he taught at Kolhapur. Roughly his interpretation was as follows: Development of agriculture was the basic revolution. The energies of elements stored in the soil over millions of years come alive and multiply with the touch of human labour. The miracle of producing hundred grains out of one is possible only in agriculture. It is the only occupation in which multiplication of consumable matter takes place with the help of these stored natural energies and gets converted into something that one can enjoy. This does not happen in any other profession like trading, transport or manufacturing. What happens there is just the exchange of goods; increase in the exchange value of products. The day man realized this multiplication of nature’s stored nature energy through agriculture, human civilization began to develop. Agriculture is the first profession in this world. It was born about ten to twelve thousand years ago when man and nature came together. Gradually man discovered the art of cooking. There was abundance of food that could be enjoyed. It was no longer necessary to wander through the forests gathering fruit or hunting. He could stay stationed in one place for long. He realized that there were many other things he could do. He had the spare time to create various devices to improve his lifestyle. Once his basic need for food was met, he began to develop things like clothes and home. Gradually fire and wheel were developed, weapons were made, woodwork and metalwork evolved. To build a home and settle down in one place, to develop affection for a particular piece of land that he lived on by treating it as his own, were natural next steps. He realized that many things could be done or created just for the joy they would 178


Sharad Joshi : Leading Farmers to the Centre Stage