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Joshi in Punjab It was the evening of 25 November 2014. The thirtieth anniversary of Yashwantrao Chavan, Maharashtra’s first Chief Minister and India’s fifth Deputy Prime Minister. The hall of Yashwantrao Chavan Pratishthan in Mumbai’s Nariman Point was packed. There was a function to present the prestigious Yashwantrao Chavan award to Sharad Joshi. Sharad Pawar, who was Union Minister for Agriculture for ten years, presented the award. In his speech he shared a memory of something that had happened after he had taken charge of that Ministry. He said, ‘When I went to Punjab as Minister for Agriculture I was welcomed in many places. And I remember, that in many farmers’ rallies the person welcoming me would say, “Today’s Guest Sharad Joshi…” Then he would realize his mistake and would say, “…No, no, Sharad Pawar”! This meant that the name of Sharad Joshi, who had done significant work amongst the hardworking farmers of Punjab, had reached every household there. I have often seen this in Punjab.’ (Rashtravadi, Issue of December 2014, page 53) As with everyone else in the audience, even on Joshi’s face there was a smile. One’s eyes were moist with tears to realize that at last, after all those years; Joshi’s important work in Punjab was getting recognition in Maharashtra. Of course at that time no one had a clue that this might be Joshi's last public function. Joshi in Punjab