Page:Sharad Joshi - Leading Farmers to the Centre Stage.pdf/210

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land.” The ruling Congress Government that time had strongly opposed the bill saying that unless moneylenders had the power to attach land which was mortgaged against loan, they would have to shut down their business eventually and in that case farmers would have nowhere to go to for loan. Sir Chottu Ram demanded higher price for the wheat and had once warned the British Governor that “unless this price is paid, farmers will not sell their wheat.” Farmers of all three main religions of Punjab namely Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs regarded him like a God. He passed away in 1946, but so powerful was his hold that till 1946, Head of Muslim League Mohamad Ali Jinnah could not even set his foot in Punjab. Joshi had high regard for Sir Chhotu Ram as the leader who brought together farmers of different religions under non-political banner by focusing on pure economic issue. Unfortunately, after the partition most of the canals which happened to be in West Punjab went to Pakistan. Agriculture in the portion that remained in India suffered badly because of dearth of water. But situation changed after the construction of Bhakra-Nangal dam. Enough underground water was also found and tube wells were dug in every nook and corner. Modern equipment like tractors was commonly used here and agriculture flourished once again. Like traditional crop of wheat even the basmati rice began to be cultivated widely. Farmers could grow two crops every year – wheat and rice. It was here that one could see the biggest fruits of green revolution that took place in the country during sixties and seventies. Out of total wheat delivered to Central Government seventy percent came from Punjab. Out of prosperity of the fields numerous small and big industries grew in places like Jallundur and Ludhiana. The entire State became prosperous.

Joshi had Punjab in mind for a long time. As was mentioned earlier, several truck drivers from Punjab were amongst those Joshi in Punjab