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appropriate that the meeting of Akhil Bharatiya Kisan Union was called in this place. This Union was established in 1980 at a meeting in Hyderabad. In that first meeting itself, it was decided that the Constitution of the Union would be finalized in the next meeting. Unfortunately for some reason or the other that meeting could not take place earlier. Now at last here in Khanna that meeting was organized. Majority of the farmers’ leaders present were naturally from Punjab but the representatives of farmers’ organization from other States of Haryana, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Bihar were also present. Finalizing the draft of the Constitution of the Union was the main item on the agenda but there were also other items. During the first session, which was more in the nature of general welcome and introduction, Joshi did not say anything. Mangiram Malik, President of the Haryana branch of the Union, chaired it. On behalf of Maharashtra, Jawandhiya spoke. He hailed from Nagpur and had good command over Hindi. Others present were of course quite curious to know what Joshi had to say. They had heard a lot about him but except Rajewal none of them had actually met Joshi earlier. During the second session different speakers shared their views on the draft of the constitution. Several other demands were also raised, which the Union was to present to the Central Government. The demands ranged from having reserved seats for the children of farmers in engineering and medical colleges to supply of insecticides at the subsidized rate. After listening quietly for a long time, Joshi rose to speak. He began by saying, ‘This is the meeting to finalize the draft of the constitution and we are here as guests. In such a situation for us to come up with any basic points may seem incongruous. It is a little like guests attending a wedding suggesting a change of bride and Joshi in Punjab