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functions, had to take the supportive auxiliary role. In times of combat, she had to be well-protected with other objects of plunder. Communities continued to be in defense formation and women in bondage and suppression created by circumstances. As a consequence, whoever the winner, the women on either side were invariably the losers. The womenfolk of the victors had probably some consolation in the use of plundered finery, but in all other respects their plight was exactly like that of the women of the vanquished. The vanquished communities lost not only their wealth but the testosterone levels of their menfolk so assiduously built-up. They now had to be built up starting from the bottom with depleted means. This invariably meant progressive sinking of the feminine status whose role got more and more focused on the objective of reproduction. Since the proportion of men in all societies, victors as also the vanquished, was threateningly depleting, women from both sides had no choice but to produce more and more children, and male children in particular, to replenish their depleting numbers. Thus sprang communities in which male offspring began to be regarded as a prized possession and martial arts the highest accomplishment for such men. Men were butchered by the plunderers and women taken away along with the loot to help maintain the rate of reproduction of their own species. They needed more men to be born because they needed more warriors to continue their plunder. The boys were brought up to be able to face the attackers both physically and psychologically. Girls were taught to be faceless reproducers of progeny and docile boosters of the testosterone levels of their menfolk. This was the beginning of the phase when women became the objects for titillation. What appeared in the beginning as a temporary response to an emergency caused by external attack, had since then settled Women Power - New Expression