Page:Sharad Joshi - Leading Farmers to the Centre Stage.pdf/280

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‘These so-called indigenous cows are found only in South Asia and East Africa, which was once geographically connected to South Asia, whereas Jersey cows are found in Europe. But those from Europe who drink Jersey cow’s milk are more developed than those from South Asia or East Africa who drink the so-called nutritious milk of indigenous cows,’ he used to point out. Nor did Joshi ever take a fanatical pro-Hindu stance. In his farmers’ struggle he called all such divisions based on region, language, caste or religion as “kshudra vad” (“petty ideas”). Such views of Joshi were certainly not going to endear him to the rightwing parties. Similarly, his frequent and outspoken opposition to powerful trade unions who often held entire society to ransom by going on strike to get their demands met was never going to be liked by the leftwing parties. Though he was close to V.P. Singh he never concealed his opposition to the reservation policy. His fundamentally liberal view was opposed to it. For him eradicating poverty was far more important; he wanted to make the cake large enough for everyone to have a fair share, rather than encourage fighting over the limited share of a very small cake. Joshi was one of the very few politicians who publicly opposed the reservation policy by writing about it. Nor did he ever indulge in what is known as quid pro quo or bargaining in politics. Since Joshi did not fit in the overall image of a politician in India all political parties, whether of left or right, disliked Joshi. Perhaps they never forgot that he had often called all political parties in India as thieves. Even in later years Joshi continued to have trouble with the politicians. An example of that was Chakan Shikshan Mandal, an organization he took initiative to form in 1987 under the auspices of which the first college was started in Chakan. It served a basic need of the local population. On Political Front