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rounds of talks spread over three years, during which the Draft was modified several times, its final version was approved by all nations in 1994. As a consequence of that finally approved Draft, a new organization came into being on 1 January 1995, which is called World Trade Organization (WTO). Dunkel Draft was fiercely opposed by left wing as well as right wing thinkers and politicians all over the world. But over the years all countries, including China, agreed to sign it and have become the members of World Trade Organization. Dunkel Draft is the base of what is generally referred to as Liberalization. Dunkel Draft had four broad recommendations : One, maximum possible free trade of goods; two, maximum possible free trade of services; three, minimum restrictions on capital investment; and four, Protection of Patents or International Intellectual Property Rights. In the specific context of agriculture, which affected India the most, there were five main points as follows : Firstly, Governments should not take farm produce from farmers in the form of levy by paying less than market price – in case it was necessary to procure such produce to run the public distribution system, government should buy it from the farmers by paying prevailing market price. Secondly, the number of persons depending on agriculture should decrease and more and more farmers should get absorbed in other sectors of the economy. Thirdly, restrictions on the export of farm produce should be removed. Fourthly, government should reduce subsidies given to the farmers. Fifthly, Intellectual Property Rights should be honoured; no 288


Sharad Joshi : Leading Farmers to the Centre Stage