Page:Sharad Joshi - Leading Farmers to the Centre Stage.pdf/327

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2. They all pursue the fulfillment of their unique personality in their own singular way, through maximizing options and freedom of choice. 3. There are no ‘Masters’ – neither spiritual nor economic; the dictates of the self-proclaimed prophets of Time and Space bring disaster; despite all shortcomings, there is no better guide than the lights of the aggregate of individuals striving to excel through competition and mutually rewarding cooperation. 4. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. 5. The remedy for corruption lies not in a mystical moral elevation of mankind through saints, socialists, trustees but in pluralism and competition. 6. Help and protection given to those that don’t need it, harm the giver and maim the receiver. 7. Competition is the best training ground for competition – one learns to compete by competing. 8. The weak and invalid are an integral part of any population and have a rightful claim on the community for the pursuit of happiness and fulfillment without being subjected to uneven competition; growth and development are in nature and suffer only when deliberately thwarted; all the help the poor need is that the world get off their backs; 9. Any interference in work-ethics, freedom of exchange and competition can only be harmful. 10. The business of the government is government and not business. Though Joshi was liberal to the core and was therefore attracted to Swatantra Party, the only liberal party in India, he made some interesting observation about spirituality and liberal thinkers, which also was a point on which he differed a little bit 306


Sharad Joshi : Leading Farmers to the Centre Stage