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the girls were proficient at, they all went to see that Panchgani school. The school building was nice, the play ground was spacious but arrangement for stay was very cramped and dirty – at least for those just returning from Switzerland. ‘We cannot stay in such a dormitory even for four days,’ the girls emphatically said. After returning to Pune they visited a school in nearby Pashan called St Joseph’s Convent. They liked it. After three or four trips to the education department the officers informed that it was possible for them to get admission. The Convent had its own buses and even if at times it became necessary, one could walk to that school within fifteen to twenty minutes. To top it all, the school also had French as a subject. Both Shreya and Gauri were enrolled in that school. While all this was happening Joshi was also searching for a farm. He was clear that it had to be entirely rain-fed. His other siblings and mother thought his ideas were quite weird. No one in the family over generations had done any farming. “Do as you please” was their view. They knew well that once Sharad made up his mind to do something, he would definitely do it. Surprisingly no other friend or relative showed any curiosity to even know what he had in mind. Complete opposite to that cold-shouldering was the enthusiasm shown by someone called Raosaheb Shembekar. The two had never known each other but Shebekar heard from somewhere that Joshi wanted to purchase a farm and at his own initiative visited Joshi. He said, ‘You want to experiment. I have a large sugarcane farm. I can give you a good portion of it. You don’t even have to pay me anything for that.’ That was indeed a kind offer but somehow Joshi turned it down. He was determined to buy dry-land farm. Immediately upon arrival Joshi had engaged services of a well-known consulting firm to find suitable land. He preferred 74


Sharad Joshi : Leading Farmers to the Centre Stage