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Next in the long succession came a person of such belligerent aspect that she positively intimidated me.

Her name was Gallegar and she could draw her beetling brows down in a gaze so concentratedly fierce that I quailed under it. I was pleased to find that Janet didn't. She simply remarked nonchalantly that Mrs. Gallegar acted queer-like but meant no harm. I was glad for this assurance. It helped to give me confidence.

The vigor of her ministrations atoned somewhat for the difficulties of our intercourse. I presented her at strategic intervals with superfluous clothing which had a temporarily softening effect. The brows would relax and a less ferocious aspect confront me. Once or twice I caught hint of something that must have been a smile inside, a rusty smile as of long disuse.

But the effect of these offerings was ever shorter and shorter lived, and presently the unwelcome truth became apparent that our star had crossed its meridian so far as Mrs. Gallegar was concerned. She hungered for change and for the chance to do despite which was one of the few pleasures left her. The exercise of power, however limited, and the ex-