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I've taken on two assistants besides the young lady in the office. I knew a young fellow—only about twenty-two—who wasn't making more'n eighty a month, and I says to myself, 'you're just the right sort for this branch.' Do you know why, Madam?"

My visitor paused dramatically. He was standing behind the best padded chair punctuating his remarks on it energetically with the hand that wore the heavy gold ring. He kept his eyes fixed on me and radiated professionalism. One could see he was in his best working order. Leaning forward he became confidential. "It's because he had Charm of Manner. That's it, Madam, that's the secret of success in a business like this. Charm of Manner. Well, that young man had it, and he's goin' right ahead. He is making from one hundred and fifty to two hundred dollars a month now."

I may have emitted some sign of surprise at this information. I know I experienced it. At any rate, my caller became more earnest still. Leaning well over the chair, he lowered his voice and said, "I am myself realizing a net profit on the average of three hundred and fifty a month. My brother is at the Front and