Page:Sherlock Holmes - A Drama in Four Acts - Doyle, Gillete - 1922.djvu/103

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Act IV.]

Parsons. There's one person in the waiting-room, sir—a gentleman.

Watson (looks at watch) I'll see him, but I've only a short time left. If any more come you must send them over to Doctor Anstruther. I spoke to him this afternoon about taking my cases. I have important appointment at nine.

Parsons. Very well, sir. Then you'll see this gentleman, sir?

Watson. Yes.

(Parsons exits at door R. Short pause. Watson busy at desk. Parsons opens door R. and shows in Sid Prince. He comes in a little way and pauses. Parsons all through this Act closes the door R. after his exit, or after showing anyone in. Watson looks up.)

Prince (speaking in the most dreadful husky whisper at L.C.). Good evenin', sir!

Watson. Good evening. (Indicating chair C.). Pray be seated.

Prince (same voice all through). Thanks, I don't mind if I do. (Coughs, then sits in chair up C. near desk on Watson's R.)

Watson (looking at him with professional interest). What seems to be the trouble?

Prince. Throat, sir. (Indicating his throat to assist in making himself understood.) Most dreadful sore throat.

Watson. Sore throat, eh? (Glancing about for an instrument.)

Prince. Well, I should think it is. It's the most 'arrowing thing I ever 'ad! It pains me that much to swallow that I——

Watson. Hurts you to swallow, does it? (Finding and picking up an instrument on the desk.)

Prince. Indeed it does. Why, I can 'ardly get a bit of food down.

(Watson rises and goes to cabinet up L.C., pushes gas burner out into position and lights it.)

Watson. Just step this way a moment, please. (Prince rises and goes up on Watson's R. Watson adjusts over eye, etc. He has an instrument in his hand which he wipes with a napkin.) Now, mouth open—wide as possible. (Prince opens mouth and Watson places tongue holder on his tongue.) That's it. (Picks up dentist's mirror and warms it over gas burner—bus.)

Prince (Watson is about to examine throat when Prince sees instrument and is a trifle alarmed.) Eh!

(Bus. of Watson putting in tongue holder and looking down Prince's throat—looking carefully this way and that.)

Watson. Say "Ah!"

Prince (husky voice). Ah! (Steps away to R. and places handkerchief to mouth as if the attempt to say "Ah!" hurt him.)

(Watson discontinues, and takes instrument out of Prince's mouth.)