Page:Sherlock Holmes - A Drama in Four Acts - Doyle, Gillete - 1922.djvu/28

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[Act I.

Madge (low voice). Be careful, Jimmie!

Larrabee (angry). Is this any time to be careful? I tell you we've got to get it out of her—and we'll do it too! (Bus.) Will you tell? (Bus.) Will you tell? (Bus.) Will you——

(Loud ringing of door bell in distant part of house.)

(Note.This must on no account be close at hand.)

(After bell music stops.)

Prince (quick turn on ring. Short sharp whisper as he starts up) Look out!

(All stand listening an instant. Alice however heard nothing, as the pain has made her faint, though not unconscious. Madge L.C. by chair. Larrabee pushes Alice into chair up stage facing fire-place. He then hides her. Madge goes quickly down L. side and cautiously draws picture from a small concealed window on extreme L. down-stage. Larrabee stands near Alice close up on her L. Steps heard outside L. Larrabee turns quickly to L., hearing steps. Make these steps distinct—slow—not loud.)

Larrabee (speaking off L.). Here!

(Enter Forman L. He stands waiting.)

Don't go to that door; see who it is.

(Forman simply waits—no surprise on his face. Madge turning at L. and speaking in low but clear voice. Larrabee stands so that Forman will not see Alice.)

Madge (standing on ottoman L.). Tall, slim man in a long coat—soft hat—smooth face—carries . . . an ebony cane——

(Short, quick exclamation from Prince.)

Prince (breaks in with quick exclamation under breath. Madge stopped by Prince's exclamation). Sherlock 'Olmes! He's 'ere!

(Pause. Prince quickly conceals his satchel at R. above safe—also closing door of safe. Music melodramatic, very pp.)

Larrabee (R.C., moving towards piano, turns out lamp). We won't answer the bell.

Prince (turning from tools, etc., and stopping him quickly). Now, that won't do, ye know! Looks crooked at the start!

(Madge moves quickly up L.C.)

Larrabee. You're right! We'll have him in—and come the easy innocent. (He turns up the lamp again.)

Madge (up L.C.). There's the girl!

Prince (at piano). Get her away—quick!

(Alice is beginning to notice what goes on in a dreamy way.)