Page:Shiana - Peadar Ua Laoghaire.djvu/122

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twice as much heart as before, and Shiana returned to his humming. I think it was a very good thing for them that it was not allowed to go on.
Sheila.—It was no thanks to Michael that it didn't go on.
Abbie.—Just hear her! After her saying a little while ago that it was Michael and his blundering that had caused the match to be broken off.
Sheila.—I said he was no good at matchmaking, and I say it again now; but it doesn't follow from that that he didn't do his best at it. It failed them all completely. I wonder what Sive said when she heard that Short Mary's match was broken off as well as her own.

Peg.—She said a queer thing, indeed. She said it was she herself who had broken it, and that whatever match might be made for Shiana she would break off in the same way, since he would not marry her.

Kate.—The hateful thing!—but I mustn't abuse her.—It would have been a good thing if she had had the misfortune of his marrying her.
Nora.—I bet you he would not do a wrong to her any more than he would to Short Mary.
Abbie.—Hush, Nora. You needn't bet about that. No fear for her. I don't think the Yellow Pensioner himself would do that wrong to Sive!
Kate.—If he did, I think he'd suffer for it. Sive would be worse to him than the law.
Abbie.—I guess he'd be in a hurry to go over the water to escape from her.