Page:Shiana - Peadar Ua Laoghaire.djvu/148

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without edged weapons, and if things go hard with them they will have blood. Leave them to Cormac. He has a trick with that blackthorn stick of his that has often thrown a strong man off his feet."

"How do you know they are thieves?" said Dermot.

"Because I know one of them of old. That man who was walking the fair with Sive a while ago, came to me once, several years ago, to borrow money. When I refused him the money he said he was hungry. I did not believe a word he said, and he knew I didn't. He pretended just now that he didn't know me, but he knew me just as well as I knew him. If Cormac comes up with him there will be an end to his travels and to his acting the gentleman for some time."

At that moment they heard a wild shout up in the direction of Dermot's house. Dermot's patience gave way.

"Oh!" he said, "poor Sive will be killed among them!" And the poor man ran as hard as he was able to run.

Shiana caught him by the arm. "No fear of her," said he, "but it is not the same with you. The whole fair will be assembled there directly. There isn't a creature who has been at a loss by those fellows, who won't be there to attack them. It is better that you should be out of the way, lest someone should say that you were aware of their doings, and then the people might turn on you."

"God help my soul!" said Dermot. "What sent them my way at all?"

"Sive's money did," said Shiana. "And they had no other way of getting at it."