Page:Shiana - Peadar Ua Laoghaire.djvu/15

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By the fireside. Peg, Nora, Abbie, little Sheila, and Kate Buckley.

Nora.—Peg, tell us a story.
Peg.—I like that! Tell a story yourself.
Abbie.—She's no good, Peg; we would rather have your story.
Sheila.—Do tell one, Peg; we will be very quiet.
Peg.—How well you kept quiet last night, didn't you? when I was telling "The Dog with the Eight Legs!"
Sheila.—Yes, because Kate Buckley wouldn't stop pinching me.
Kate.—What a story! I wasn't pinching you, you little witch!
Abbie.—Don't mind her, Kate. There was nobody pinching her she is only pretending that there was.
Sheila.—There was, indeed; and if there hadn't been I wouldn't have screamed.
Nora.—Tell Peg that you won't scream now, and she will tell us a story.
Sheila.—I won't scream, Peg, whatever happens to me.