Page:Shiana - Peadar Ua Laoghaire.djvu/150

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"What the mischief is this," said she, "that is coming over the people, or are they all going out of their senses? I was sitting in that chair there. Sheeghy had gone out to see if he could see you. He had hardly gone out of sight of the door when I heard a great tramping and noise and confusion outside. I looked out, and what should I see but the whole fair making for the door in one body, the bailiff at the head of them with his drawn sword in his right hand and his blackthorn stick in his left, his two eyes blazing, and his mouth tightly closed. I sprang up to shut the door, but he was too quick for me. 'You need not fear, Sive,' said he, and on he went into the room, and two or three other men with him. He stabbed the beds with his sword, and he stabbed under them. In the twinkling of an eye he and they were out again. He turned to one of the men: 'They are gone,' said he; 'let us follow them!' And then such a shout was raised that I had to put my fingers in my ears."

"Look here," said Shiana, "I have some of the money. I got it in payment for shoes I sold."

And he pulled up out of his pocket a few gold pieces. He took one of them and rubbed it on the sleeve of his coat for a while. Very soon the fine yellow colour disappeared, and a grey leaden colour took its place. If you saw the look in Sive's eyes when she perceived that!

"Where was that money got?" said she.

"It was got," said Shiana, "in that box that was given to you to put in safe keeping. If they had only put a little more of the colour on it, perhaps the business they were at might not have been