Page:Shiana - Peadar Ua Laoghaire.djvu/199

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"'When does she want to speak to the King?' said the master.

"'At whatever time the King himself may appoint,' said Cormac, and he slipped a gold-piece into the master's hand.

"'Stay a moment,' said the master, and he went off. He soon returned. 'Let her be here at noon to-morrow,' said he, 'and she will get justice. High and low get justice here. Let her be here at noon to-morrow, and leave the rest to me.'



"At noon on the following day the two were at the door of the King's house. The master came out; he saw Cormac.

"'Where is she?' said he.

"'Here she is,' said Cormac, mildly.

"'Come along, daughter,' said the master.

"She went with him. They went in at a door; they went on through a long corridor; they passed through another door and through another corridor; then they passed through a third door. It was not a corridor that was beyond that, but a fine, big broad sunny field, which was green and which had been closely mown with a scythe, and there were nice pathways across through it with gravel on them. There was a fine, noble palace at the far side of the field. The master went to the door of