Page:Shiana - Peadar Ua Laoghaire.djvu/202

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and all, and who should she have there alive in the flesh but honest Sheeghy!

"'Aha! you thief of the black gallows!' said she, 'hand me out here at once my money that you tricked out of me in the name of the King.'

"In an instant there were twenty hands raised over them, and a drawn sword in every one of the hands.

"'Do not strike him,' said the King. 'Arrest him.—Where are you from, daughter?' said the king.

"She flung herself on her knees before the King.

"'From Munster, my King,' said she, 'and that man came the other day to my father's house and he said he was buying horses for you, my King, and he bought all the horses that were in the fair that day, and he paid false money for them, and he showed me your ring, my King, and he said he had not money enough to pay for all he had bought, and he asked me to give him three hundred pounds in your name, my King, and I gave it to him. I had hardly given it to him when Shiana found out that he was a thief, and he sent Cormac after him. But Cormac failed to overtake him. And indeed it was no wonder he failed seeing that the fellow was sitting snug in here with long grey hair on him and a long, grey beard. Look at that!'

"'Gently, daughter,' said the King. 'Who is Cormac?'

"'The bailiff we have, my King,' said she.

"'Where is he now?' said the King.

"'He is outside at the gate, my King,' said she.

"'Bring him in,' said the King.

"He was brought in, and indeed, Father, Ulick