Page:Shiana - Peadar Ua Laoghaire.djvu/216

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They made no wonder of themselves, nor of anybody else.

The country people were coming, one by one, because word had been sent to them all round, that anyone from whom a horse had been bought for the King, and to whom false money had been given in payment for it, had only to come to the fair-green that day and he could get his horse if he recognized him, provided some responsible person would go security for him.

They all came. There was no danger of anyone coming and pretending that he had lost a horse. They all knew each other too well. That trick would be discovered at once; and besides, nobody of that sort could get a man to go security for him. The owner of the colt came, and John Kittach came to go security for him. He was almost the first man who got his own. Before his own horse was given to any man, a certain arrangement was made. It was ordered that none of those who had got their horses should leave the field until the last horse was given out, and the last man satisfied. The reason why this order was given was lest any mistake should be made in the distribution of the horses, and that, in order to remedy the mistake, it might be necessary that all the horses and all the claimants should be on the spot.

The claimants had plenty of responsible people to act as securities. The priest was there, and he was going security for seven men together. Cormac was there, because he found the priest had left the house before he reached it, and he followed him. Dermot was there, because Sive would not be satisfied unless he came out to see the King's men and all the splendour of their accoutrements and their imposing