Page:Shiana - Peadar Ua Laoghaire.djvu/222

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especially as he had always had the reputation of being rather wanting in faith. First he used to be seen going to Communion twice in the year, at Easter and at Christmas; then once a quarter; and in the end he was seen going to Communion every first Sunday of the month.

He and the priest were on the fair-green talking together after the horses had been distributed. The military Captain came to them to say good-bye to the priest, and who should come up to them at the very same time, but Cormac.

"Well, Father," said Cormac, "now that all that business is done and everybody is satisfied, perhaps it would be no harm for us to see about doing another little bit of business. Don't go, Shiana," said he, "nor you, sir," to the Captain. "You both did that other business so well that I don't object to your being present at my own business now."

"But for Shiana we should have been in a bad way about the business a while ago," said the Captain. "All I have to do now is to bid farewell to your priest and to you all before I turn my face toward the 'City-far-away.' But whatever this other business is that you have to do, Cormac, if you would like me to make a little delay on account of it, I will make it, and welcome. I hope, Father," said he to the priest, "that you are satisfied with the day's work?"

"Very well satisfied, sir," said the priest. "Give my goodwill and regard most truly and heartily to his Majesty when you have speech with him, and say that I cannot tell his Majesty how grateful I am, and we all are, to him for what he has done for these poor people who had lost their property. Say to his Majesty that the people of this place will long remem-