Page:Shiana - Peadar Ua Laoghaire.djvu/241

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going round according as people wanted them; until the daylight came in at the door.

The harper was found fast asleep, and one of the pipers drunk. But neither sleep nor drunkenness touched the man of the fairy music, although he had taken plenty of the wine.



Before the day had fully dawned the company had dispersed and the people had all gone home except the big tinker and the man of the fairy music and Michael and his mother. Those four were doing their best to tidy up the house and put everything back into its own place. The fairy music was troubling Michael's mind. He wanted very much to find out how that piper had got hold of it. He watched until he found an opportunity, and then he asked him the question.

"Listen, John," said he. "That was wonderful music that you played for us last night. I never heard the like of it. I don't believe there is another man in Ireland who could play such music."

John did not pretend to have heard him.

"I suppose," said Michael, "it isn't everybody that could acquire music of that kind at all. How did you manage to get it, John?"

"Ask something else, Michael," said John.