Page:Shiana - Peadar Ua Laoghaire.djvu/246

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There was a time last night, when all the thunder and commotion was going on, when I promise you there was no place I wished so much to be in as at home. I took a look at the face of the musician and I almost thought it was not himself that was there at all. There was a kind of light in his eyes and in his face and round his mouth, that would make you think he was looking at them and that he recognised them!"

"Perhaps he was too," said Michael.

"Perhaps so," said Patrick. "But there's one thing certain; Eerie John is too eerie for me."



After the match between Sive and Cormac, it was not long until two other matches were made. A match was made for the Maid of the Liss with a brother of Nora of the Causeway, and a match was made for Nora herself with one of the King's men. He met her on the fair-green on the day when the horses were distributed. He had a house in the city near the house in which Cormac and Sive were going to live. As soon as he went home he asked leave of absence for a month, and he got it, and he came and married Nora and took her away with him. Her unmarried brother went off with them, expecting to get a place in the King's