Page:Shiana - Peadar Ua Laoghaire.djvu/37

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Abbie.—We won't get any of the story to-night, I am afraid. I'll have to tell you a story myself.
Nora.—You couldn't! Where is Peg, Sheila?
Peg.—She is here, Nora, my dear. (Peg and Kate come in.)
Nora (to Abbie).—Bad manners to you, you little hussy!—How is young Edmund, Kate?
Abbie.—I suppose she has eaten him by this time.
Kate.—Ochone! Soon nobody will be able to escape from this one, she is turning out so quickwitted!
Abbie.—Oh, you are quite right, Kate. I never thought what I was saying. Indeed, it's no wonder you should be fond of him since you are his mother. (They all burst out laughing.)
Kate.—Oh, for all sakes, Peg, go on with your story, and see if it will put a stop to these!
Abbie.—Do, Peg; and cut off my ear if there is a single sound from any one of us.
Peg.—Where's Sheila? I thought she was there just now.
Kate.—Here she is behind me, with her head under my cloak, like a chicken getting under a hen.
Peg.—Why, Sheila, pet, what ails you now?
Sheila.—Ach, nothing at all, Peg; but I must cover up my head for a while for fear the man with the horns should give another roar, and that I should see him again.
Peg.—No fear of you.

When Shiana came to himself and looked about him, the man with the horns was gone.

Sheila.—May he go and never come again, the scoundrel!

Peg.—I dare say Shiana was very much inclined