Page:Shiana - Peadar Ua Laoghaire.djvu/41

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There was not a person, young or old, in the whole fair, that was not standing bolt upright to watch them, except the thimble-rigger.

When they were making for the second fence, every one noticed that the black horse was a little bit in front. When they were clearing the fence the black horse and the horse next to him swept over it like crows, without touching it. The other two touched it with their hoofs. The ground went from under the feet of the furthest horse, and he and his rider fell on the other side of the fence.

"Oh!! He is killed!" all the people shouted. The shout was not out of their mouth when he was mounted again, but his horse was lame, and he had to return.

On went the three, the whole fair watching them, the people so mute that Shiana heard distinctly the rapping, resounding, measured, sharp beats of the horses' feet as they struck the sod of the field, just as a dancer would in dancing upon boards.

Shiana noticed by this time that the black horse was well to the front, making straight for a post that was set up in the field, with a red flag of some sort at the top of it. Round that post he swept. Round went the second horse after him. Round went the third horse after him. On they went after each other, to his left, to the north-east, the black horse in front and getting away from them. The last horse quickened his pace and began to gain upon the second horse. The second quickened, and they both were gaining on the black horse. Then Shiana and all the fair saw a sight. The black horse stretched himself, the rider gave him his head, and out he went like a greyhound, so that you would think his feet didn't