Page:Shiana - Peadar Ua Laoghaire.djvu/46

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handing the money to her. "Keep it!" said she, "and leave my house! The Evil One is in it, and in you too! Be off!" I promise you they both went, and in a hurry too.
Sheila.—I wonder what she did with the five little bits of slate?
Abbie.—I don't know, Sheila. But I rather think they got the outside of the door as quickly as the two men.
Sheila.—I would be afraid to touch them.
Kate.—I heard that he made a goat of Thade of the Eggs.
Abbie.—He didn't do that, but indeed he set the broom beating him. He made the broom turn Thade out of the house.
Nora.—Oh, how, Abbie?
Abbie.—Well, they were all, the full of the place of them, gathered west at Thade of the Eggs' house, playing cards, and some disturbance arose between them, so that Michael said to Thade, "If you don't shut your mouth, I'll make a goat of you." "You couldn't do it," said Thade. "I could," said Michael. "Do your best, and don't make two parts of it," said Thade. "Do you mean that?" said Michael. "I do," said Thade. "Let us see now what you can do." Michael drew a little black book out of his pocket, and there were red edges on the leaves of it, and he began to read it. After a while he stopped, and he looked at Thade. "There is only one danger in the thing, Thade," said he. "If the wind were to change while you were a goat, I couldn't turn you back." "What, you thief of the