Page:Shiana - Peadar Ua Laoghaire.djvu/79

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"what is coming over her, or what is this important business she has on hand."

There was a furze bush near him. He saw on the bush a little bee caught in a spider's web. The spider jumped out from the place where he was hiding, and tried to catch the little bee. When the bee saw him coming the fright put double strength into her, and she broke the thread and flew off.

Sheila.—Oh, indeed, Peg, I saw a spider do a thing like that, but it wasn't a bee that was in the web, but a fly. And the spider caught the fly by the small of the back, and I tell you it was no good for her to wriggle her legs or to struggle. He kept his hold till she was quiet enough. And then if you were to see how he rolled her up in the web, and how he carried her in with him!
Abbie.—I suppose he made bacon of her.
Sheila.—He carried her off, anyway.

Peg.—Michael's spider didn't carry the bee off, for she flew away from him. And when Michael thought the little while was spent he returned to the house. When he was going up to the door he heard Shiana saying these words:—

"It would be better for her to die the worst death that ever came to a human being, and to die it seven times over, than that I should marry her!"

Michael turned and made off before he heard any more. But even so, he had no sooner reached the furze bush again than he was overcome by anger.

"This is nice work," said he to himself. "It is a disgusting business for my mother to be coming here making a match for Grey Dermot's Sive! Wait till I get home to-night!"