Page:Shinto, the Way of the Gods - Aston - 1905.djvu/395

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Lupercalia, 190

Lustration, 96, 259, 294, 295

Lying stigmatized, 242


Mabuchi, 373

Mayeza. See Medium.

Magic, 327, 99, 144, 187, 196, 255, 300, 357 ,

Maine, Sir H., 24

Majinahi. See Magic.

Make-believe, 12, 223

Male who invites, 171

Mamori. See Charms.

Maneki-neko, 48

Man-deities, 36, chap. viii.

Manyōshiu, a collection of ancient poetry, 9, 17

Mari no Kami, 199

Marriage, 66, 90, 91, 137, 140, 248, 249. See Nuptial hut, Wedlock.

Masaya a katsu, 97

Massha, 227

Material souls, 50, 51, 52

Materialized feelings, 332, 333

Materials for study of Shinto, 1–4

Medicine, 144, 327

Medicine men, 203

Medium, 354, 355, 356. See Ichiko, Miko.

Menstruation, 251, 340

Meredith, Mr. Geo., 80

Metal, God of, 92

Metamorphosis, 49, 64

Metaphor, 16–18, 38, 76

Michiahe, 306, 187, 188

Michi no Omi, 119

Midzuchi, 150

Mikado deified, 9, 38

Mikado divine right of, 82, 293

Mikado prayer to, 235, 324

Mikado as high priest, 201, 292

Mikado matsuri, 308

Mikage, 51

Miko, 206, 101, 357

Mikoshi, 222, 225

Mikoto, 20, 85

Mimi, 30

Minagata, 43, 177

Mioya, 19

Miraculous births, 97

Mirror, 218, 31, 72, 134, 291

Mirror-makers, 184

Misasagi, 42, 43

Misogi, 260, 271, 298

Mitama (spirit), 26–31, 8, 9, 49, 188, 197, 293. 294.

Mitama furishiki, 292

Mitama shidzumuru no matsuri, 292

Mitama shiro, 32. See Shintai.

Mitegura (offerings), 158, 211

Mitoshi no Kami, 196, 253

Miwa, 145. See Ohonamochi.

Miya, 200, 223. See Shrine.

Miyakko, 205, 206

Modern Shinto, 376

Mono-imi, 206, 318, 340

Monotheism, 66, 68, 69, 70, 125, 170, 171, 349

Moon-God, 65, 95, 102, 138. See Tsukiyomi, Tsuki-machi.

Moral code, 241, 129, 367, 374

Mortuary house, 109

Mosaic law, 122, 215, 248, 251, 252, 302

Motion and sensation, 11

Motoöri, 373, 4, 21, 24, 25

Mountain-Gods, 147, 92, 284, 289

Mourning. See Funeral.

Muir, Dr. J., 94

Müller, Max, 16, 25

Multiplication of Gods, 67

Mushroom, 189, 312

Music, 56, 93, 238, 270, 273, 292, 321

Musubi, 172, 20, 21, 35, 69, 102, 275

Mystery, 31, 32

Myth, 75, 17, 2, 16

Myth, and legend, 116

Myth, and ritual, 83

Mythical narrative, 84


Nademono, 220

Naishidokoro, 291, 43, 135

Nakatomi, 201, 1, 21, 46, 112, 183

Nakatsutsu no wo, 20–22. See Sea-Gods.

Nakatsu-wata-dzumi, 148. See Sea-Gods.

Nakara, 354

Nakisahame, 92, 199

Nanakusa, 277, 344

Naru Kami, 9. See Thunder.

Nature deities, 121