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1660 ]

Shiva retained in that quarter only the forts of Rangana and Vishalgarh.*[1]

In the same month, almost in the same week, in which Shivaji lost Panhala in the extreme south of his dominions, his arms met with another disaster in the extreme north. On 15th August, his Fort of Chakan, 18 miles north of Puna, was captured by the Mughals. To explain how it happened, we shall have to trace the course of the war in that quarter from its commencement.

§3. Shaista Khan occupies Puna.

Early in 1660, Shaista Khan opened the campaign against Shivaji from the north, after arranging for an attack upon the Maratha dominions by the Bijapuris from the south at the same time. Leaving Ahmadnagar with a vast army on 25th February, the Khan marched southwards along the eastern side of the Puna district, methodically capturing and garrisoning all the strongholds that guarded the approaches to Puna on the east and south.

The Marathas at first retreated before him without risking a battle. By way of Sonwadi (close to the Dhond railway station) and Supa (16 miles s. w.

  1. •Chit. 64-65; Dig. 182-185; T. S. 19a & b; the name of Siddi Aziz is given by Duff (i. 181) only, while T. S. reads Siddi Halal. The Persian works are absolutely silent about this retreat. Vishalgarh is 27 miles from Panhala via Malkapur. (Ind. At. 40 S. W.)