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[CH. IV.

his arms, Shivaji dealt a masterly blow at the Mughals, — a blow whose cleverness of design, neatness of execution and completeness of success created in the Mughal Court and camp as much terror of his prowess and belief in his possession of magical powers, as his coup against Afzal Khan had done among the Bijapuris. He surprised and wounded the Mughal viceroy of the Deccan in the heart of his camp, in his very bed-chamber, within the inner ring of his bodyguards and female slaves.* [1]

§6. Shivaji's night-attack on Shaista Khan.

Shaista Khan had, as we have seen, seized Puna in May 1660 and retired there after the fall of Chakan in August next. He took up his residence in what was then the best house of the future Maratha capital, the unpretentious home of Shivaji's childhood. His harem was with him, and around his mansion lay the quarters of his guards and attendants, the band- room and offices. Further off, across the road leading southwards to Singh-garh lay the camp of his lieutenant, Maharajah Jaswant Singh and his contingent of 10,000 men.

  1. * Night-attack on Shaista Khan: the earliest records are Gyffard to Surat 12 April, 24 May, 1663 (F. R. Surat, vol. 103) containing Shivaji's own version; Bernier, 187; A. N. 819 (only one sentence!); Storia, ii. 104-106; Sabh. 35-37; Dil. 44-46. Khafi Khan (ii. 172-'5) reports the narration of his father, a servant of Shaista Khan, and has been followed by Grant Duff, but Khafi Khan wrote after 1730. Chit. 98-100; Dig. 220-224; T. S. 19b-20a. Zedhe Chron. for date.