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Mahabat invades Maharashtra, massacre of Puna, 216—defeat of Ikhlas Khan near Salhir, 217—Mughals expelled from Puna, 217—Marathas conquer Jawhar and Ramnagar, 218—chauth demanded from Surat, 219—Koli Rajahs, 221—Mughal officers desert to Shiva, 222—raid into Berar, 223—successful pursuit by Mughals, 223—Pedgaon, Mughal base, 225—Shiva fails at Shivner, 226—gains Satara and Panhala, 227—raids Bijapuri Kanara, 228—battle of Umrani, 230—defeat and death of Pratap Rao, 231—Hambir Rao's raids, 232—Bahlols victory, 234—Dilir defeated by Shiva, 234—Mughal power weakened, 235—extent of Shiva's territory, 236.

Chapter IX. Coronation of Shivaji ... 238—259

Why Shiva wanted to be crowned, 238—Gaga Bhatta declares him a Kshatriya, 241—preparations for coronation, 241—religious ceremonies, 242—Shiva performs penance and is "made a Kshatriya," but is denied Vedic mantras, 244—lavish gifts, 245—bath on coronation day, 247—coronation hall described, 247—enthronement, 249—Oxinden presented, 250—street procession at Raigarh, 250—cost of coronation, 252—loot of Mughal camp, 253—raid into Baglana and Khandesh, 254—into Kolhapur, 255—Bahadur Khan deceived by pretended negotiations, 255—Maratha activities, 257—Shiva's illness, 258—Mughals invade Bijapur, 259.

Chapter X. South Konkan & Kanara 260—292

Kanara uplands and coast, 260—trade and ports, 261—Rustam-i-Zaman's concert with Shiva, 262—English collision with Shiva at Rajapur, 264—English brokers and Mr. Gyffard imprisoned by Marathas, 264—released, 265—Englishmen fight against Shiva at Panhala, 266—Rajapur factors seized, 266—Adil Shah invades Bednur, 268—Shiva in S. Konkan coast, 269—disorders in the coast, 270—Shiva's