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peace and prosperity, afforded a virgin soil to the plunderers in this their first raid. A force, reported to be 20,000 strong, looted the neighbourhood of Ausa and collected chauth, but they rode away without attacking the fort. In the neighbourhood of Karinja and Nandurbar the Marathas took from the affrighted people written promises to pay them one-fourth of the revenue (chauth) in future.*[1]

No resistance was made by the Mughals. Khan-i-Zaman, the governor of Berar, moved too slowly to intercept the raiders, and he stopped on reaching Deogarh. Daud Khan, the governor of Khandesh, was absent campaigning near Ahmadnagar, while his son Ahmad Khan, who officiated as his deputy at Burhanpur, was at open war with Maharajah Jaswant Singh, who was trying to raise money for the Prince's expenses and had demanded five lakhs from the treasury of Khandesh. Daud Khan's son replied that if the Maharajah could procure Aurangzib's order, he would pay him even 20 lakhs, or else not a pice, at which message Jaswant threatened to sack the town. (F. R. Surat, 105, Bombay to Surat, 5 February, 1671.)

Daud Khan from his camp near Ankai Tankai hastened towards Burhanpur. Arriving near the pass

  1. *Dil. 91. Akhbarat, year 13—5, 10, 11. F, R. Surat. 105, Letter of J. Trotter, 20 Dec. 1670; S. Master to President, 19 Dec. Dil. 64 (bare mention of Karinja.) Sabh. 71 Karinja is 77. 30 E. 20.32 N.