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The Rajah of Ramnagar fled to Devnes on losing his kingdom (June 1672.) T. S. (40a) is wrong in saying that he was captured by Moro Pant.

§5. Further Maratha successes in 1672, but raid into Khandesh and Berar, Dec. 1672, defeated.

From their base in the Koli country of Jawhar and Ramnagar, a Maratha force under Moro Trimbak easily crossed the Ghats into the Nasik district, in the middle of July 1672, plundered and occupied it. Jadun Rao Deccani, a great-grandson of Lukhji Jadav (the maternal grandfather of Shivaji) with 4,000 men, was the Mughal thanahdar of Nasik-Trimbak. He was defeated and captured after losing many of his troops in battle. Siddi Halal, the thanahdar of Vani-Dindori (or North Nasik), was also defeated and his charge looted by the Marathas. For this failure, both the officers were sharply reprimanded by Bahadur Khan, and in anger they deserted to the Marathas, with two other officers and all the men of their "four great regiments of horse" (October.) Other desertions were apprehended, and Dilir Khan was left in great danger with a weakened army to defend the province of Gujrat against the exultant enemy. (Dil. 116; F. R. Surat 87, Surat to Bombay, 20 July, 1672, Vol. 3, Surat, 26 October; Bombay to Surat, 18 October, in F. R. Surat 106. T. S. 33b for the two deserters.)

On 25th October, a large Maratha army