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position. We have seen at the end of Chapter II. what his kingdom was in 1648 and in 1655. His gains between October 1659 and February 1660 were short-lived except in S. Konkan. Here he completed the conquest of the Ratnagiri district by taking possession of its western part (including all the ports except Rajapur and Vingurla) as well as its southern extremity. From this time his power began to impinge on that of the Savants of Vadi (or the desais of Kudal, as they were then called), and after a long and confused struggle much of the latter's territory as well as the ports of Rajapur and Vingurla passed into Shivaji's hands, (by the middle of 1663), and all South Konkan owned him as its sole master. He had already wrested the western coast of the Kolaba district from the Siddis.

What he ceded to the Mughals by the Treaty of Purandar (1665) touched only his territories in the Puna and Thana districts, while his acquisitions in middle and South Konkan remained intact. Most of these cessions even were recovered in 1671 .

From 1664 the Marathas began to raid Kanara, — both the Karwar coast and the uplands of Hubli and Bednur; but their actual conquest of the coast was achieved as late as 1675.

Maratha activities in 1671 and 1672 resulted in the annexation of Baglana (north of the Nasik district) and the Koli country (Jawhar and Ramnagar) in Konkan, between Surat and the Thana district. The hill-forts in the Chandor range seem to have