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the strong forts of Panhala (5th March) and Satara (early September.)*[1]

At the end of September we find Shivaji at the head of a great army raised for "some notable attempt against the Mughal." He also sewed 20,000 sacks of cotton for conveying the plunder he expected to seize ! But on the dasahara day (early October), an auspicious time with the Hindus for setting out on campaigns, he sallied forth on a long expedition into Bijapuri territory, with 25,000 men, robbed many rich towns, and then penetrated into Kanara, "to get more plunder in those rich towns to bear the expenses of his army." Early in December he reached Kadra (20 miles north-east of Karwar) with a division of 4,000 foot and 2,000 horse, and stayed there for four days. The bulk of his forces occupied a hill near Hubli. But two severe defeats at the hands of Bahlol and Sharza Khan at Bankapur and Chandgarh (a fort midway between the Belgaum and Savant-vadi towns) respectively forced him to evacuate Kanara quickly. (F. R. Surat 106, Bombay to Surat, 29th September and 10th October, Vol. 88, Karwar to Surat, 17th December 1673. O. C. 3910; Fryer, ii. Dutch Rec, Vol. 31, No. 805.)

§10. Internal troubles in Kanara, 1674.

Though Kanara had been freed from the Marathas, that province enjoyed no peace. Mian

  1. * O. C. 3800 and 3832; F. R. Surat 106, Bombay to Surat, 16th and 29th September 1673; B. S. 399.