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[CH. XI.

By the Treaty of Purandar, the Mughak left the territory of Janjira adjoining Shiva's dominions to Shivaji, if he could conquer it. (Ibid.) Shiva also offered to attempt the conquest of Janjira for the Emperor. (Ibid, 786. But Chit. 107, Dig. 240, and Tarikh-i-Shivaji, 22b, agree that Jai Singh definitely refused to make the Siddis give up Janjira to Shiva.)

§ 5. Maratha attack, on Janjira fails.

In 1669 Shivaji's attack upon Janjira was renewed with great vigour. In the earlier months of the year the hostile armies made almost daily inroads into each other's country and the warfare closed the roads to all peaceful traffic. In October, the Siddi was so very hard pressed and Janjira was in such danger of being starved into surrender that he wrote to the English merchants of his "resolve to hold out to the last and then delivering it up to the Mughal." (F. R. Surat 105, Bomb, to Surat, 16 Oct.)

The contest came to a crisis next year (1670.) Shivaji staked all his resources on the capture of Janjira. Fath Khan, worn out by the incessant struggle, impoverished by the ruin of his subjects, and hopeless of aid from his master at Bijapur, resolved to accept Shiva's offer of a large bribe and rich jagir as the price of Janjira. But his three Abyssinian slaves roused their clansmen on the island against this surrender to an infidel, imprisoned Fath Khan, seized the Government, and applied to Adil