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[CH. XI.

declined by the Marathas in the absence of orders from Shivaji to that effect. The English, therefore, resolved that if the occupation of the island was persisted in and the Maratha fleet under Daulat Khan came there to protect the fortifications, they would "repel them with force as an open and public enemy." (F. R. Surat 4, Consult., 4 and 15 Sep. 1679.)

The first encounter between the English and the Marathas at sea took place on 19th September and ended in a reverse for the former. The larger English ships were still outside the bay of Khanderi, because the soundings had not yet been taken and they could not be brought closer to the island. Lieutenant Francis Thorpe, with some shibars made a rash attempt to land on the island, "positively against orders." The Englishmen were assailed with great and small shot from the shore works. The impetuous young officer was killed with two other men (John Bradbury and Henry Welch), several others were wounded, and George Cole and many other Englishmen were left prisoners on the island. The lieutenant's shibar was captured by the enemy, while two other shibars escaped to the fleet in the open sea. Next day the Marathas carried off another English shibar, Sergeant Giles timidly offering no resistance. (Orme MSS. 116.)

Early in October the Maratha fleet was got ready to go to the succour of Khanderi. The second battle with the English was fought on 18th October,