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at his brother's conduct, as it implied distrust of his solemn pledge of safety, and cried out in open Court "Was I going to imprison him ? My fame has spread over the sea-girt earth. I asked for my father's property, only because one should keep his heritage. If he does not wish to part with it, he is under no compulsion to give it. Why did he flee for nothing? He is very young and has acted like a child." (Sabhasad, 90.)

After a time the captive ministers of Vyankoji were set free, and sent back to Tanjore with presents and robes of honour. Thus Shivaji cleared himself in the eyes of the public. But though he gave up the idea of invading the Tanjore territory south of the Kolerun, he seized the whole Karnatak north of that river, both the jagirs of Vyankoji and those of Sher Khan.*[1] The few forts that held out were conquered by the end of September.

§13. Shivaji' s pilgrimages.

These campaigns were varied, as was Shivaji's usual practice, by pilgrimages to holy places. At the end of July, 1677, leaving Waligondapuram (37 miles north of Trichinopoly), he crossed the Vellar river at Tittagudi (16 miles north-east of Waligondapuram), and thence he sent his army to Elavanasur (22 miles due north) while he himself "with Simaji

  1. * F. R. Fort St. George, Madras to James and Chamberlaine, 24 Aug., 1677.