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Shivaji, after nearly one year of occupation, restored the Karnatak plain to Vyankoji, retaining only the forts in his own hands, as well as all the tableland of Mysore which had once belonged to his father. In May 1678, the English at Madras report that Vyankoji had got his territories back by paying three lakhs of hun in cash to his elder brother. (Madras to Surat, F. R. Surat, Vol. 107.)

The army of occupation*[1] under Hambir Rao was recalled to Shiva's side, and Raghunath organised a local force of 10,000 horse (both paga and silahdar), for the defence of the country, and continued to act as regent and adviser to Vyankoji. But he retained his old antipathy to that Prince, and there was constant friction between the two. Shivaji had repeatedly to write to both, counselling amity and moderation, and it was only the fear of his strong personality that kept the peace between the two, and made Raghunath recognise that Vyankoji must

be master in his own realm. (T. S. 38a and b; Dig. 326-335, 362; Parasnis Tanjavar-chen Raj- gharane, 36-38 and 42-43.)

  1. * From Madras Consult., dated 19 August, 1678, we learn: "Yesterday there came news from Conjeveram that 1000 or 1500 of Shivaji's horse under his brother Shantaji appeared before that place. This day other persons from Conjeveram came and reported that the 1000 horsemen of Shiva came thither in pursuit of some Bijapuri foot that was intended to relieve Vellore, which has been besieged by Shiva's forces these 14 months." (Diary and Consult. Book, 1678-79, p. 105.)