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set forth in a letter from the Deputy Governor and Council of Bombay to the President and Council of Surat, dated 25th November, 1668:

"According to your commands, we shall at convenient time enorder such as we employ to treat Shivaji's servants civilly wherever they meet them, but not to enter into any contract with them, letting them know the great damage the Hon'ble Company hath suffered and the abuses offered to our people on several occasions, for which we expect satisfaction and reparation before we enter into any league with their master, — all of which, we suppose, will come to his ears by one or more of his servants, though we are not of opinion that ever he will be brought to a peaceable treaty till he be forced to it." (F. R. Surat, Vol. 105.)

In a letter from the same to the same, dated 17th March, 1669, we read, "Shivaji Rajah having by his servants requested a favour of no great import, not exceeding Rs. 300,... we... having much occasion for a good correspondence with his people on the main (-land] from whence most of provisions come hither, and wood [i.e., fuel] in special, (which is not to be had other where), we were the more ready to gratify Shivaji Rajah." (Ibid.)

On 5th March, 1670, the President and Council at Surat instruct the Deputy Governor of Bombay thus: "The war broke out between Shivaji and the Mughal hath put a check to some overtures