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Shivaji... by the merchants of Rajapur hath understood what did belong to the Company and what to particular men; the latter he disowns totally.... Had it not been for our standing on some satisfaction for them, we had ended the dispute before now." (Ibid.)

§4. Embassy of Thomas Niccolls, 1673.

Between May and December 1672 two envoys were sent by Shivaji to the English factors at Bombay. In February 1673, a third envoy, Pilaji, came from Shivaji, but was dismissed without effecting anything. In May the Bombay Council resolved "to send Mr. Thomas Niccolls with a Banian broker to make a final demand of the damage done us at Rajapur, and now lately by his forces in Hubli."*[1] (F. R. Surat, Vol. 3, Surat Consultation, 24 May, 1673.)

On 19th May, Niccolls left Bombay with 37 persons in all for Rairi castle, which he was permitted to ascend on the 23rd. He interviewed Shambhuji on the 24th in the absence of Shivaji on a pilgrimage. On 2nd June Shivaji returned to the castle, and next day Niccolls was received in audience. The Rajah took the English envoy by the hand and showed him where he should sit, which was on the left hand near one of his side-pillows, and then asked him his business. But in spite of the kindness of his manners, Shivaji did nothing to settle the dispute

  1. * The latter amounted to 7,894 pagodas, or £3,500.