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124. J. Fryer's New Account of East India, ed. by W. Crooke, 2 vols. (1909.)

125. Orme's Historical Fragments of the Mogul Empire &c, London (1805.)

126. J. Grant Duff's History of the Mahrattas, (1826.)

The Madras District Manuals are the old ed., while the Gazetteers are the new ed.

English translations are mentioned under their Marathi Persian or Hindi originals.

E. Portuguese.

127. Vida e accoens do famoso e felicissimo Sevagy... escrita. por Cosme da Guarda, natural de Murmugao. (Lisbon, 1730.) Composed in 1695 (p. 40.) Contains 168 pages. Full of gross inaccuracies, mistakes of persons, useless digressions, bazar gossip and things known to us from other sources. It may more properly be styled 'The marvellous romance of Shivaji,' as it contains a minimum of facts dates and proper names and a maximum of words and general descriptions. It tells us nothing new that is historically true.

Dr. D. G. Dalgado of the Academy of Sciences, Lisbon, informs me that there are no Portuguese State-papers relating to Shivaji at Lisbon. "I have not been able to find any document, in any of the Archives I have consulted, with reference to Shivaji. To my mind the reason of this is that we take more notice of our enemies than of our friends,