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the raiders back from the imperial dominions and make reprisals by entering Shiva's land from all sides, "wasting the villages, slaying the people without pity, and plundering them to the extreme" ; Shivaji's possessions, Puna and Chakan, must be utterly ruined, and not the least remissness shown in slaying and enslaving the people; the village headmen and peasants of the imperial territory who had secretly abetted the enemy, must be slain without pity. (Adab. 147a and b, 148a.)

Aurangzib's new dispositions for guarding his south-western frontier showed excellent combination and judgment. Kar Talab Khan was posted near Junnar, Abdul Munim at Garh Namuna, and Nasiri Khan and Rao Karn at Panda "opposite Parenda fort," to guard the Chamargunda, Kara and Ashti parganahs.*[1] (Adab.148b.) These officers stood facing the frontier and barring every path of the enemy's advance, so that the imperial ryots behind them might enjoy safety. The officers were further bidden to make a dash forward across the frontier, whenever they got an opportunity, ravage as much of the enemy's territory in front of them as they

  1. * Panda (in Pers. text, Pandeh) is 16 m. n. w. of Parenda and 3 m. s. of Karmala. Kara is 9 m. n. w. of Ashti. I have followed Aurangzib's letters (in Adab) above; but Kambu omits Garh Namuna and says that Abdul Munim was posted at Chamargunda. I have failed to trace Garh Namuna, unless it was a name given to the old and ruined outpost at Pedgaon, 8 m. s. of Chamargunda.