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Reformers will tell you that the grocer, the butcher, clothier and landlord are exploiting you. They say that your employer exploits you, but that when you go to spend your wages these other men also cheat or rob you.

But if wages (B) do not rise to the same level as the necessities of life (A) this merely means that your boss is no longer paying you the value of your labor-

power. The value of food, clothing and shelter determine the value of your labor-power.

Do not be confused into thinking because rents are "high," or because food is expensive, that you are exploited when you pay for these things. As A increases in value your labor-power increases in value. And only when wages equal the cost of living are you receiving the value of your labor-power.

Shortage of workingmen may cause labor-power to exchange above its value temporarily; shortage or an over-supply of any commodity may cause it to exchange above or below its value for a short time. But monopoly alone can cause a commodity to exchange