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A Piece Rate System, 58

Ability, rising through especial, 17.

Accident insurance associations, 119, 120 198.

American Machinist cited, 38,

American Screw Works, 73.

American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 5, 37, 58, 80.

Analysis of orders for machines, 111, 112; of inquiries for new work, 111, 114.

Apprentice system of Mr. Vauclain, 202.

Assembling sheet for time study, 160, 161.

Average man, work of, compared with first-class man, 24, 28, 50.

Balance clerk, duties of, 113, 114.

Barth, Carl G., law of cycle of operations discovered by, 173; developed a slide rule, 180.

Belts the tightening of, 125, 136.

Bench work, time study for, 111-113

Bethlehem Steel Co., 46; case of, used in illustration of shop management, 46-56, 73; functional foremanship in, 105, 100; concentration of departments in, 110.

Bicycle balls, inspection of, 85-90.

Bonus, men do better when it is offered, 175; time, 176.

Bosses, gang, duties of, in military type of organisation, 96-98; eight under functional management, 99, 100; executive functional four types of, 100; gang, 100, 101; speed, 101; inspectors, 101; repair, 101, 102; of the planning room, four types of, 102; improvement due to introduction of, 108; and over-foremen, in system of functional foremanship, 108, 109.

Boycott, the, 191.

Change in management. See Management, change in.

Chemical manufactories, case of rival used as illustration, 18.

Clerks, order of work and route, duties of, 102; instruction card, duties of, 102, 103; time and coat, duties of, 103.

Contract system, 35.

Coöperation, quotation on, from A Piece Rate System, 37; no scope for personal ambition in, 37; remoteness of the reward, 37.

Cost, of items manufactured, entered in planning room, 115; of production, lowered by separating brain work from manual labor, 121.

Cycles of elementary operations, 172; mathematical law of, 173, 174.

Day work, 20; task work applied to, 71.

Deceit involved in soldiering, 36, 41.

Details must be carefully standardised, 65.

Differential rate system of piece work, 68, 76: compared with task work with a bonus, 76-80; applied to inspection of bicycle balls, 85-90; applied to large engineering establishment, 92-94.

Disciplinarian, shop, duties of, 103, 104, 119.

Disciplining of men, 195-199.

Dividends, relation between the payment of, and shop management, 19, 20.

Dodge, James M., 80, 143.

Dollar, the, 6.

Drifting, objection made to the use of the word, 41.

Economy in industrial engineering, 6,7.