Page:Short stories for little folks, or, Little tales calculated to excite juvenile minds to the love and practice of virtue.pdf/6

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The Folly of crying upon Trifling occaſions.

A LITTLE girl, who uſed to weep bitterly for the moſt trifling hurt, was one day attacked by a furious dog. Her cries reached the ſervants of the family; but they paid little attention to what they were ſo much accuſtomed to hear. It happened however very fortunately that a countryman paſſed by, who with great humanity, reſcued the child from the devouring teeth of the dog.

Silence and Reſerve reproved.

SOPHRON was frequently the companion of Euphronius in his various journeys. He was a youth of obſervation, but indulged too much a natural reſerve of temper. His brothers and ſiſters complained that he who ſo often enjoyed amuſement himſelf, ſhould contribute ſo little to the general entertainment of the family. At firſt they intended to petition their father to carry him no more abroad; but a good natured ſtratagem anſwered better the purpoſe of reproof. They agreed that each ſhould purſue, for a few days, a conduct ſimilar to that of Sophron. One viſited the magnificent Muſeum of Mr. Lever at Alkrington; another went to a very diverting