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"Riches and poverty are a thick or thin costume; and our life — the life of all of us — identical. For we transcend the circumstance continually, and taste the real quality of existence."


"Gives a thing but small delight that never can be dear."

"Mount from the earth; Aspire! Aspire!
So pleads the town's cathedral quire."


"That which music expresses is eternal, infinite, ideal; it does not express the passion, the love, the desire of this or that individual, but passion, love, desire themselves."


"But be filled with the Spirit, speaking one to another in psalms (or songs, really, the word meant to the Jews — not essentially ecclesiastical or devotional) and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord; giving thanks (thus in singing) always for all things."

Ephesians vi. 19.

"For music (which is earnest of a heaven
Seeing we know emotions strange by it,
Not else to be revealed) is as a voice,
A low voice calling fancy, as a friend,
To the green woods in the gay summer-time,
And she fills all the way with dancing shapes."
