arrival at, 72; chief of police of, 74-82, 84, 88, 92, 94, 97; exile in, 122. |
Semipalátinsk, railroad communication with, I. 5; arrival at, 155; description of the city, 155-158; commerce of, 157; library in, 160, 184; ferry at, 162; political exiles in, II. 31. |
Semyónofski, Alexander, II. 211. |
Semyónofski, Eugene, political exile, II. 209-212; suicide of, 210, 216, 259, 325. |
Serfs, provisions for banishment of, I. 76. |
Sergéyefski, Russian author, I. 76, 255. |
Setting fire, how punished, I. 76. |
Shaitánof, Mr., I. 239, 240. |
Shakspere, objections to tragedies of, II. 489. |
Shamárin, Constantine, political exile, II. 54, 119-121, 359, 366, 374, 376, 377, 379, 380. |
Sharápof, Mr., Russian editor, removal of, II. 493. |
Shchedrín, | , political exile, immured for life at Schlusselburg, II. 237, 259.
Sheftel, Véra, political exile, II. 25. |
Shelapugina, post-station of, II. 282. |
Sheláshnikof, Gen., acting governor-general of Eastern Siberia, I. 328. |
Shelgunóf, N. V., Russian publicist, II. 440, 441, 494. |
Sheragulski, étape, II. 533, 541, 543. |
Shílka River, II. 131-136, 138, 141, 145, 264, 276-280, 319, 320, 322, 323, 549. |
Shishkó, | , political exile, II. 210, 450.
Shúbin, | , administration at Kará, II. 260.
Siberia, as field of research, I. iii; my first impressions of, iv; scope of my description of, vi; scope of my study of prison system of, vii; permits to visit, 2; trade and commerce of, 13, 16, 31, 49, 105; boundary of, 34, 35; leave Ekaterínburg for, 47; travel in, 49, 50, II. 355, 356; magnitude of the country, I. 55-57; common ignorance among Americans concerning, 55; boundaries of, 56; climate of, 57-64, 103, 105, 145, 193, II, 65, 71, 72 ; topographical aspects, I. 57-64; pole of cold in, 60, 61; agriculture, 62, 103, 138, 139; tobacco in, 62, 103, 157, 239, 240, II. 63; flora of, I. 62-65, 68, 70, 71, 136-138, 145, 149, 150, 155, 188, 193-195, 202, 205, 206, 213, 217, 218, 227, 232, 279, 283, 351, 352, II. 63, 72; birds of, I. 64, 150; system of land tenure, 66; mosquitos in, 70, 71, 139, 362; development of mines in, 76; erroneous conceptions of, 103-105; statistics of, 103-105; village aspects in, 130-136; scenery of, 130, 137, 145, 193-195, 202, 206, 213, 218-220, 289, 302; ignorance of America in, 135, 136; fauna of, 150, 217, 227, II. 63, 64; mosques in, I. 158; ferries, 162, 284, 285, 362, 368, II. 98, 132-134; "the, movement of young people into," I. 169, 170; English and American liferature in, 160, 184-186, 236, 330, 334, 335, II. 30, 106, 107, 179, 180; sunstroke, I. 191, 192; glaciers, 213, 217, 219-222, 224-226; fruits, 217, 218; silkworm culture, 239, 240; irrigation, 279; position of authorities in, on our researches, 302-309; our intercourse with officials, 304-310; liquor traffic, 352, 353; graveyards, 353; treatment of a road contractor in, 357; culture, 358-361; blacksmithing in, 362, 363; mail service in, 363, 364; lack of medical service in, II. 44; a tiger of, 63, 64; American clock in, 107; bureaucratic system in, 173; redivision of eastern part, II. 263; the first exile to, 421, 422; condemnation of exile to, 457; burden of exile system on, 457-471, 548; statistics of criminals sent to, 458, 459; highwaymen in, 462, 463; bibliography of, 475-483; reward of zeal in, 537. |
"Siberia and Penal Servitude," I. 77, 384, II. 148, 158, 159, 280. |
"Siberia and the Exile System," I. 303. |
"Siberia as a Colony," II. 461, 467. |
"Siberian Echoes," I. 340. |
Siberian Gazette, the, I. 329, 334, 336, II. 43, 51, 450, 460, 462-464, 470, 490, 492, 517, 518, 521, 522. See also Sibírskaya Gazéta. |
Siberian Italy, the, II. 383. |
Siberian Messenger, II. 462, 492, 493, 514, 517, 518, 521, 522. |
Siberian Switzerland, the, I. 121. |
Sibír, the, I. 61, 272, II. 1, 8, 260, 440, 463, 488-492, 524, 528-530, 537; correspondent of, imprisoned and flogged, 491. |
Sibíriakóf, I. M., supporter of Minusínsk museum, II. 395. |
Sibírskaya Gazéta, II. 440, 525, 527, 532. See also Siberian Gazette. |
Sidorátski, Vasílli, response to demand for oath of allegiance to Alexander the Third, II. 56-59. |
Sidórski, Vladímir, political exile, I. 247. |
Sigída, A. S., husband of Madam Hope Sigída, II. 268. |
Sigída, Madam Hope, career of, II. 266-269, 271, 272; flogging of, 216, 266, 267, 269-272; death of, 267, 271, 272. |
Silkworm culture, I. 239, 240. |
Silver, Daúrski mines, I. 76; Altái mines, 281; Nérchinsk mines, II. 278-318. |
Sims, Dr. P. D., report on Tennessee convict system, I. 100, 101. |
Sipiágin, Mr., warden of Alexandrófski central prison, II. 345, 346, 348, 350. |
Skalon, V. U., Russian author, II. 23. |
"Sketches of Self-Government," II. 23. |
Skóbelef, Gen., hero-worship of, I. 261-263. |
Skrínikof, | , provincial procureur, II. 402.
Slovtsóf, Mr., hospitality of, I. 106. |
Smallpox, exposure to, II. 279, 281. |
Smirnítskaya, Miss Hope, political exile, II. 266, 267; suicide of, 267. |
Smirnóf, Councilor, expurgates the Koran, II. 493. |
Smírnovo mine, number of convicts at, II. 317. |