Page:Sibylline Leaves (Coleridge).djvu/242

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And from their house-door by that track
The Bride and Bridegroom went;
Sweet Mary, tho' she was not gay,
Seem'd chearful and content.

But when they to the church-yard came,
I've heard poor Mary say,
As soon as she stept into the Sun,
Her heart it died away.

And when the Vicar join'd their hands,
Her limbs did creep and freeze;
But when they pray'd, she thought she saw
Her mother on her knees.

And o'er the church-path they return'd—
I saw poor Mary's back,
Just as she stept beneath the boughs
Into the mossy track.

Her feet upon the mossy track
The married maiden set:
That moment—I have lieard her say—
She wish'd she could forget.