Page:Sibylline Leaves (Coleridge).djvu/244

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'Twas a drizzly time—no ice, no snow!
And on the few fine days
She stirr'd not out, lest she might meet
Her mother in the ways.

But Ellen, spite of miry ways
And weather dark and dreary,
Trudg'd every day to Edward's house,
And made them all more cheary.

Oh! Ellen was a faithful Friend,
More dear than any Sister!
As cheerful too as singing lark;
And she ne'er left them till 'twas dark,
And then they always miss'd her.

And now Ash-Wednesday came—that day
But few to Church repair:
For on that day you know we read
The Commination prayer.

Our late old Vicar, a kind man,
Once, Sir! he said to me,
He wish'd that service was clean out
Of our good Liturgy.